Let’s Continue the Fight for Women and Girls!
Who we are
The American Association of University Women Port Townsend, (AAUW PT), has 160 passionate and driven members who commit to support our mission of gender equity and economic security for women and girls. We promote women’s causes and help inspire, educate, and equip women and girls with skills to pursue 21st century opportunities.
Our AAUW PT branch was founded in 1948 by 37 local women. We’ve been bringing awareness regarding women’s equity issues to our community ever since. Initial projects included funding a preschool and sponsoring a Girl Scout Troop. Our branch also raised money to support a local theater group that ultimately became Key City Players. We supported a summer school for the arts at Fort Worden. Many years later, we paved the way for what we now know as Centrum.
AAUW PT has consistently evolved to adapt to changing times. Today you’ll find us raising money for scholarships, offering grants to our community, working to end the gender pay gap, and lobbying our local representatives to support initiatives that empower all women and girls to reach their full potential.
What We Do
Providing scholarships to East Jefferson County Women and Girls is our main purpose.
Education is foundational and is the core of what we do. Education improves lives and our understanding of the world and our ability to contribute to the greater good. AAUW PT supports women as they develop skills and knowledge as a pathway to professional opportunities and economic security.
Our scholarship program began with a $100 award more than 40 years ago. AAUW PT leads annual fund-raising events in our Port Townsend community to support these scholarships. We also provide grants to our local school districts and help support community educational projects and initiatives—that align with our mission.
In 1994, a group of dynamic, forward thinking AAUW PT members established our own 501(c)(3), University Women’s Foundation, (UWF). UWF was created to ensure the money our local branch raised could remain local. UWF/AAUW PT work hand and hand to annually raise money for scholarships and community grants in support of women and girls.
As AAUW PT members we were fortunate to be part of the wave of women enrolling in college and graduate school in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. We want to make sure our educational experience can “pay it forward” to help women and girls in our community continue to access educational opportunities.
Since 1994, UWF/AAUW PT have awarded over $1 Million in scholarships to women and girls in our own East Jefferson County Community.
“AAUW Provides support to the Port Townsend School District so each and every student has access to opportunities.
They provide scholarships for Tech Trek and February Intersession, providing valuable enrichment to girls. They also support the High School’s Food Pantry, ensuring students have the nutrition they need to learn.”
—Dr. Linda Rosenbury, Superintendent of Port Townsend Schools, AAUW PT member
United We Stand
In principle and in practice, AAUW values and seeks an inclusive membership, leadership team and board of directors. There shall be no barriers to full participation in this organization on the basis of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, geographical location, education, national origin, race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status.
We’re Not Your Grandmother’s AAUW
We’ve Come A Long Way!
Scholar Spotlight
Ashley Quinn
Our AAUW Branch offers many opportunities for people to get involved in supporting women and girls. Go to our “Join us” section to learn more about AAUW membership and how you can connect with other like-minded women.
Ashley was the 2024 Elmira K. Beyers Scholarship recipient in the amount of $11,000. Ashley is a single mother and has been a secretary and para-educator with the Port Townsend School District for the past 8 years. She is currently pursuing a dual Master of Science degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and School Counseling.
We could not be prouder of Ashley!
Fact: Only 6 countries give women the same legal rights as men: Belgium, Denmark, France, Latvia, Luxembourg, and Sweden.
—Social Justice Research Center
Please join us at our new meeting location!
Quimper Unitarian Universalist Fellowship (QUUF)
2333 San Juan Ave, Port Townsend, WA
AAUW PT meets September through May on the 3rd Saturday of the month.
Our meetings begin at 9:30 and end at 11:30. All meetings are open to the public.
Upcoming events
Silent Auction & Branch Meeting, Saturday, February 15th, 2025
QUUF, 9:30 - 11:30Pop Up Event! Saturday, March 1st, 1:30 - 3:00 A Line Dancing Class.
Join Leslie Freeman and Jeanne Clark for fun and a chance to laugh with AAUW members. No experience required. Class will be held at Madrona Mind Body, 310 Fort Worden Way, Port Townsend.Branch Meeting, Saturday, March 15th, 2025
Women’s Health Care, Jefferson County - Speaker, Dunia Faulx, MPH, Chief Officer of Planning & Government AffairsOnline Silent Auction, March 17th - 27th, 2025
Fundraiser for AAUWPTBranch Meeting, Saturday, April 19th, 2025
Speaker, TBDSaturday, April 26th, 2025, 10:00 - 4:00
Home & Kitchen Tour, Marrowstone IslandSaturday May 10th, 2025 - UWF Scholars Recognition
QUUFSaturday, May 17th, Rhody Parade.
AAUW PT members will march in the parade.